Saturday, February 19, 2005


What else will you call a developer' dog, and a female for that matter.
But Rotweillers can be dumb and undumb, she still doesn't know where to mess up.
Now Perl could be so cool and uncool, her idea of play is biting me and the other developers. But Perl can show stunts when its comes to food time, stands on two legs to claim whats hers, wakes you up with her bowl in her jaws when you sleep beyond 7 o'clock in the morning. Different things bring out the best in different folks you know.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Its crazy the things guys do for love...Essien can't help but feel like Don Nino each time he calls Bola, D__o sends love messages to about seven girls, hehe, talk about multi-tasking, multi-processing guys and me, I got a cake for Ibukun with two hearts; One on the carton and another on the cake with "Ibk" on it. She beamed when she saw it. The heart on the cake was a little bit smeared, "Thats not the shape of my heart" I whispered.
A cool night, Bidemi, Helen, Keni and Ibukun. It was so different from normal "party animal" me. Cool music, grilled fish and free air; My new idea of a "nuit de l'amour".