The were the originals:
- Complete all uncompleted projects, mostly software, 60% done, started some 2 new ones now.
- Fix my eye glasses and stop punishing my eyes, see a doctor for checkup: Glasses fixed,
- Not leave a project midway: Hehe, not doing well here, say 20%
- Better accountability, I somehow manage to spend, not loosely but undocumented: Documentation has improved some.
- Document and manage my gently growing assets, thank God! Trying sha, trying...
- Blog more: 60% improvement.
- Settle down more, go for several breaks, visit at least 5 interesting places: London for the past 2 weeks was really good, concluded Nigeria is more than 20 years behind civilization like I always thought, more like 50 years and growing. I'll save that for another day.
- Start a blog of "My success story". Something I will hopefully make into a book in the future if the good Lord spares my soul. Now that my account has left red and is gently rising. I will not like to be like the torrents of Naija millionaires without success stories. Well, money stalling, will let you know when things start to yappen!