Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I took a moment to review my first quarter performance on new year resolutions. I noticed I have not done too badly, somewhere I feel I'm at a better %completed than Nigeria but Yar'Adua and Fashola seems to be really trying :)

The were the originals:
  1. Complete all uncompleted projects, mostly software, 60% done, started some 2 new ones now.
  2. Fix my eye glasses and stop punishing my eyes, see a doctor for checkup: Glasses fixed,
  3. Not leave a project midway: Hehe, not doing well here, say 20%
  4. Better accountability, I somehow manage to spend, not loosely but undocumented: Documentation has improved some.
  5. Document and manage my gently growing assets, thank God! Trying sha, trying...
  6. Blog more: 60% improvement.
  7. Settle down more, go for several breaks, visit at least 5 interesting places: London for the past 2 weeks was really good, concluded Nigeria is more than 20 years behind civilization like I always thought, more like 50 years and growing. I'll save that for another day.
  8. Start a blog of "My success story". Something I will hopefully make into a book in the future if the good Lord spares my soul. Now that my account has left red and is gently rising. I will not like to be like the torrents of Naija millionaires without success stories. Well, money stalling, will let you know when things start to yappen!

Monday, April 28, 2008

VerveEarth is pretty cool. You find blogs by drilling down into regions on a google maps arrangement. The finer details at some points then display blogs in the region.
With verveearth, I quickly found Lola's blog and Omosewa's. You get to write on people's walls, something like facebook, and their is that link on the notes you leave behind that takes those same people to your own blog.
Oh, and you can view their blogs directly in the popup, and there is rss too, how cool.
I still haven't found a way to add more than one blog, I can't find my own blog but I want to presume its because I'm logged on.
Kind of cool, and how else would I have found this new song Olomma, by Nkem Owoh!