Sunday, October 31, 2004


Funny, I took yhoo's personality test and got some funny not too funny results. Some I agree with, not all though. But I think its given me some insights into myself and areas I need to improve on and all that.
Here are some of the results if you think you have the patience...

As an Idealist, your mission in life is to make the world a better place. You bring a unique
combination of skills that make you a capable diplomat, advocate, and champion of those in need.
You care about big ideas and big issues, but you're also dedicated to the lives of the people
around you.In many ways, you're the ideal friend or co-worker. You have great empathy skills. You give sound
advice, but more importantly, you know when to just listen. At work, you're a natural leader,
facilitator, and energizer. You have a gift for promoting harmony and cooperation at work. In fact,
few things bother you more than conflicts at work.Your hopes and dreams are very important to you, so you take other people's dreams seriously, too.
Your friends and family know they can come to you for a booster shot of support and optimism,
whether it's for pursuing their dream job or dream man or woman. Similarly, you can motivate teams
and organizations to pursue more meaningful objectives.Most people have goals and dreams, but you're more likely than most to actually achieve them. You
have a clear idea of what you want in life. You anticipate and plan around obstacles, and you're a
sharp problem solver. Plus, it's pretty darn hard to discourage you.Idealists come in many varieties, from the academic to the applied. You have the capacity to
balance both the ideas and the pragmatics. Only you know what you'll do with your many talents.
Ultimately, whether you touch the world, your community, or simply your closest friends and
family—it's Idealists like you that give us all the inspiration to dream and strive for something
more. Agree? I do

For you, falling in love is like being reunited with the other part of yourself that finally gives meaning to everything in your life. This "soul mate" completes you. You empower each other to be the best you can be. You get each other's jokes and love the same books and movies. You talk until you go hoarse. You enjoy an intimacy that most people can't even imagine.The downside of the Destined love style is that you typically have to search for years and years (and go on lots of bad dates) to find this type of love. Destiny is on your side, but doesn't always follow your timeline. Given how hard it is to find a potential soul mate, it's easy to understand why you would take it so seriously. Just don't forget the equally silly and sexy aspects of love.Your approach to love can change over time. You may go through periods when you need a more casual love style, especially after a painful breakup with a potential soul mate. For now, the common features of your love "style" include:You're looking for a very close, intimate relationship. You want to share every aspect of your life with her and not hold anything back. This means knowing about each other's pasts, including the unflattering parts. Most importantly, though, you should be very open and totally honest about your life now. If you love her, you'll want to know about her hopes and dreams, as well as her fears and insecurities.Love means sharing your life completely with someone. Her friends and family become your friends and family, and vice versa. You're willing to sacrifice some of your independence so you and the one you love can share a life together.Like the song says, "If you want to know if she loves you so, it's in her kiss." You want passionate kisses and won't settle for anything less. The two of you will probably be instantly attracted to each other. You're not a purist who thinks love is a saintly connection between "friends." You have plenty of friends. You want a lover!Both partners have to decide when they're ready to make a commitment and at what pace. Rushing into a commitment only adds to the pressure of forming a relationship. The two of you have to find the type and level of commitment that makes sense given your feelings and how long you've been together. Agree? Not totally

Idealists go out of their way to promote harmony at work, in their families, and among their friends. You're a natural peacemaker and take it upon yourself to mediate disputes. And whenever possible, you try to prevent them. On more than one occasion, you've probably asked: "Why can't we all just get along?!"Yet conflict doesn't have to be destructive—there is such a thing as healthy conflict. Even heated exchanges can be useful as long as both of you play fair.Part of your challenge is learning to tolerate uncertainty and being disliked. As a creative person, you know that some of your best ideas come after long periods of frustration and feeling "blocked." You may find also that some of your relationships are equally blocked and require "creative conflict" to move forward.Asking an Idealist and peacemaker to have more conflicts is admittedly ambitious. Still, one of your strengths is that you're always open to new ideas and trying new things. In that spirit, here are some other possible challenges to consider:You hate to be alone. Your challenge is learning the difference between solitude and loneliness. Try scheduling a "date" with yourself. Cook yourself dinner or order take-out and pick out a great movie to watch by yourself. When you spend all your free time with other people, you end up spending your time alone doing chores or dealing with problems. So you have to remind yourself what great company you can be. Agree?
You're constantly taking on new projects at work and home. It's hard for you to say "No." Yet, you have to break the cycle of creating more and more ambitious ways of winning everyone's praise and proving your own worth. Agree? Maybe

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