So we started out slowly, Keni (me), Stan, Tunde, Victoria(Tunde's sunshine) and of course Bayo. we had some good stuff to eat at sweet sensation, lots to talk about, a lovely environment, sweet food and aroma. I had sukiyaki and some fried rice, delicious plaintain and some etceteras. Stan curry chicken, Tunde, Vicky...I almost got a ride at the kiddies groovy section.
Then we had more company; Fabulous Carlos and some nice ladies; Lively Adun, Adaora pronounced adore-her, cute Omoh and Chichi, company! and more excitement. Carlos is an incredible guy and the girls are lovely and soon we found Carlos knew Sese in school, we sang some birthday songs, abridged so Bayo don't have to answer for his age :) and man, we had much to drink.
Now the girls are sitting in a bunch, we are slowly getting to know them, the first half was coming to an end and we were thinking, well its ok and a bit of fun and then we decided to hit the road, go to Olumo rock. And then it was fun all the way, ancient abeokuta unleashed, good company unleashed, them girls now flowing, gist unleashed and finally pictures. The second half
Here, the party arrives Olumo Rock, where Abeokuta got its name, Abeokuta means a city under a rock.

Here, I play the devil, "If only Tunde will bow, I will give him the whole world he can see from the top of this rock".

The guys covered some distances to make Bayo's and yes, our day bright.

We squat in an ancient 5 bedroom cavern

Traditional drummers

A guy and his family comes for some air

I celebrate the peak with Adun here.

Bayo and Carlos dicusses the future? I mean after conquering Olumo rock, whats next? Kilimanjaro?

Adora and Omoh adores the scenery

I don't know how well it went for Nigeria, but as I type, Bayo is dozing and savouring a beautiful hangover.
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