Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Still no .ng domain name

I thought I would register a sexy domain name today, something l could extend to in.comi.ng because I have fallen in love with sites like del.icio.us and script.aculo.us. I even thought re.veali.ng would be cool. Imagine the possibilities you get from something as cool as a top level domain .ng. because of continous tenses ing, going, coming, beginning etc, it's just cool to have .ng at the end of everything (every.thi.ng).

My searches reveal all I get is .com.ng or one of it's variants. Why can't I just get .ng?
I keep searching though, and notice that you have to go through some bureaucracy of the Nigerian Computer Society to register a name too.

For now, I'll stick to .com.


Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

.ng is indeed sexy.

Thanks for the birthday wish, its okay if its late, i've been told that since im an Olori(nickname) my birthday is a week/month long affair, lol.

Have a blessed week!

seye said...

Yeah...domain hacking! without-i.com.ng.lol
Got introduced to your blog through Tomi(0802222)