Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A new york cabbie

And one more related item: Tonight I saw a new form of undercover cop car. As you may know, many precincts have taxis that are used as undercover vehicles, which is pretty smart as it is. But tonight, for the first time ever, I saw a church van with tinted windows blow its cover by flashing its police lights to get through a particularly bad traffic snarl. Most drivers were so surprised that they didn't take it seriously enough to pull over and make room until the van made the sirens blare. Who knew?

I came across her blog on yahoo insider and now she has +1 viewership. I guess nobody told her about AdSense; she gets between 4000-9000 hits and a wow from me. She has a theme thats New York, the night life background and she managed to capture the wild lights too, her blog is like traditional NY.
Interesting, she a grad of Univ. of New Mexico and she has refused to go back to office job after a lay-off.
Anyway, thanks on your insight on New York cops; In Naija here, policemen breaks all traffic rules to get nowhere fast; they never obey traffic lights, drive on the wrong side of the road. If you think I don't like nthe Nigerian Police, wake up, I detest them.

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